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Classoom & Virtual Classroom

Elearning  Classroom & Virtual Classroom

Types of Courses - Jet Maintenance Consulting Corp Course List 

Traditional Classroom – We believe the only thing that is traditional about our classroom training courses is the name “traditional”. We provide student Project Packs, Training Manuals that include color graphics, Aircraft Field Trips, and group Work Projects which make our courses lively and help the learner to REMEMBER the material. Jet Maintenance Consulting Corp. classroom training courses are set apart from others by our classroom interactions and hands on the aircraft experiences. All Jet Maintenance Consulting Corp. instructors are Subject Matter Experts (SME) in their field and have real life maintenance experience to back up the training content.  Our instructors have spent many years perfecting our teaching methods. From memory aids, classroom team-building projects, to aircraft field trips, Jet Maintenance Consulting Corp. provides the highest  quality training available in the industry.

Available Classroom Courses

Aircraft Basic Avionics 40 hour course  – Aircraft Basic Avionics is a non aircraft specific course that includes the theory and operating principles of  Avionics Systems used on commercial aircraft. Subjects include understanding operating principles,  inherent problems and limitations applicable to each type of system. Systems covered include: Compass Systems, Horizon Systems, Inertial Reference Systems, Stall Warning and Alert Systems, Digital Display Systems’ Ground Proximity Warning Systems (GPWS, EGPWS, TAWS), Traffic Collision and Avoidance Systems (TCAS), Pitot/Static and Air Data Systems, Engine Indicating and Crew Alert Systems (EICAS), VHF Navigation Systems (VOR and ILS), Marker Beacon Systems, Distance Measuring Equipment (DME), Radio Altimeters, Autopilot Systems, VHF Communication Systems, HF Communications, Automatic Direction Finder Systems (ADF).   Aircraft Maintenance Systems ATA 104 Level II DC-8, 9,  MD 80, 90  | B727, 737, 747, 757, 767, B777 | CRJ 200, 700, 900 | 40 hour course – Covers system operation, component location, system testing and troubleshooting including the most common engine types for listed aircraft. Approximately 20% of the course time is used for hands-on operational testing and component location on the aircraft, provided an aircraft is available for training purposes.   Aircraft Maintenance Systems ATA 104 Level III Troubleshooting DC-8, 9,  MD 80, 90| B727, 737, 747, 757, 767, B777 | CRJ 200, 700, 900 | The course length is customized depending on customer needs. Jet Maintenance Consulting Corp. provides detailed troubleshooting and fault analysis training of  your recurring and most difficult problems with specific aircraft systems. The course is ATA specific and customized to fit your company needs. Hands-on included when aircraft available.   Aircraft Avionics Systems ATA 104 Level II DC-8, 9, MD 80, 90| B727, 737, 747, 757, 767, B777 | CRJ 200, 700, 900 |   40 hour course – Covers Avionics systems operation, component location, testing and basic troubleshooting for listed aircraft. Includes 20 % of course time hands-on in operational testing of systems provided an aircraft is available for training purposes.   Aircraft Avionics Systems ATA 104 Level III Troubleshooting DC-8, 9, MD 80, 90| B727, 737, 747, 757, 767, B777 The course length is customized depending on customer needs. Jet Maintenance Consulting Corp. provides detailed troubleshooting and analysis of your most recurring and difficult to solve Avionics problems. Includes detailed systems theory for each problem area, detailed use of Avionics test equipment, effective troubleshooting techniques, using systems schematics, and how to properly debrief a flight crew.   Avionics Test Equipment – Level III  Jet Maintenance Consulting Corp.can provide formal hands on the aircraft OJT training for all or any combination of the following avionics test equipment :

  •   IFR 402, IFR 4000 NAV COMM test sets

  •   IFR 600, ATC601, IFR 6000, TCAS201DME, Transponder and TCAS Test sets

  •   Avionica RSU I & RSU II

  •   Tektronix 1502C TDR Cable Analyzer, Riser Bond TDR

  •   Numerous Radio Altimeter Simulators

  •   Barfield DPS 350, 400, 450 Pitot Static Testers

  •   Tel Instrument Corp (TIC) 30D, 48D, 49C, TR210, TR211

  •   JC AIR PSD Fuel Quantity Testers

  •   Boeing Position Transmitter Test Set (PTTS)

  •   Laptop Computers for GPWS, TCAS and TAWS

  •   Barfield EGT analyzer

  •   Various Data Bus Analyzers

Special Operations Training Courses – CAT II/III (LLM) , RVSM, ETOPS Procedures and equipment training for testing and re-certifying aircraft for any special operation authorizations to fit your airline policy & procedures.   If your aircraft type isn’t listed just contact us. We very likely can locate an SME/Instructor for your aircraft type from our large pool of aircraft maintenance professionals. *Note: Hands-on training at an aircraft will usually require a company lead technician or supervisor to accompany each trip and a waiver form to be signed.

Jet Maintenance Consulting Corp LLC. All rights reserved.

13312 Stafford Rd. Leesburg, Ohio 45135
PH: 937-205-2406 | E-mail:

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